Hair Care for Bikers

Tips to Avoid Helmet Hair and Hair Loss

One of the most common concerns for motorcyclists, especially those with long hair, is how wearing a helmet will affect their hair. Whether it’s worries about hair loss, helmet hair, or simply how to wear a helmet comfortably with a ponytail, we’ve got answers to all the questions you might have about helmets and hair.

Can Wearing a Motorcycle Helmet Cause Hair Loss?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions among riders. Wearing a helmet itself doesn’t directly cause hair loss, but improper helmet use can contribute to conditions that may lead to thinning or hair breakage.

biker off the bike holding spada white helmet with protective gear on
  • Traction Alopecia: If your helmet is too tight, it can cause repeated tension on the hair follicles, especially around your forehead, leading to a condition called traction alopecia. This is hair loss caused by stress on the roots.
  • Sweat and Scalp Health: Long hours of wearing a helmet can cause a sweaty scalp, which may weaken hair follicles and lead to hair thinning if not properly managed. Accumulated sweat and oil can clog pores and reduce the overall health of your scalp, making it more susceptible to hair fall.

How To Prevent Hair Loss

  • Make sure your helmet has a snug fit and not too tight
  • Clean your helmet liner regularly to avoid sweat buildup
  • Wear a balaclava, bandana or skull cap under your helmet to reduce friction and absorb sweat
  • Give your hair regualr care, such as washing it frequently and using a good conditioner to keep it strong and healthy

How to Wear a Motorcycle Helmet with Long Hair?

For riders with long hair, wearing a helmet can sometimes feel like a hassle, especially if it gets tangled or messy. However, with the right hairstyle and tips, you can ensure both comfort and style on every ride.

Best Hairstyles for Long Hair Under a Motorcycle Helmet:

woman wearing a low bun hairstyle for biker
  • Low Ponytail or Bun: One of the easiest and most practical styles. A low ponytail or bun sits at the base of your neck, ensuring that it doesn't interfere with the fit of your helmet.
  • Braids: Braiding your hair can reduce tangling and breakage. A simple single braid down the back or even double braids can keep your hair secure while you're riding.
  • Loose Bun: A loose, low bun prevents your hair from getting caught in the helmet's padding, while still keeping it off your face.
  • Tuck-and-Roll: Another option is to tuck your hair into a balaclava, bandana or neck tube before wearing your helmet, which can prevent it from getting tangled and protect it from sweat.

Can You Wear a Motorcycle Helmet with a Ponytail?

Yes, you can wear a helmet with a ponytail, but it’s important to place it at the right height. A ponytail that sits too high can interfere with the helmet’s fit, causing discomfort or even reducing the helmet’s safety effectiveness. A low ponytail, or one positioned at the base of your neck, is ideal because it won’t press against the helmet padding or create pressure on your scalp.

How to Avoid Helmet Hair?

“Helmet hair” happens when your hair gets flattened or looks disheveled after wearing a helmet. While it's inevitable to have some impact on your hairstyle, there are ways to minimise the mess:

  • Use a Silk or Satin Liner: These materials create less friction than cotton or polyester, helping to keep your hair smooth and frizz-free.
  • Dry Shampoo or Volumising Spray: After taking off your helmet, a quick spritz of dry shampoo can help revive flattened hair and absorb any excess oil from sweat.
  • Wear a Headband or Bandana: Wrapping your hair in a bandana can help reduce the pressure points that cause flat spots. It also keeps sweat from soaking into your hair, helping you maintain a fresh look after your ride.
  • Plan for Shorter Rides: If maintaining your hairstyle is a priority, plan shorter rides or break them up to allow your hair to “breathe” and reset before it gets too matted down.
woman strapping on black spada motorcycle helmet

How to Prevent Hair Damage While Wearing a Helmet?

female biker on a ride wearing white and black spada motorcycle helmet

Helmets can sometimes lead to breakage or frizz, especially for those with longer hair or curly hair. Here are some tips to protect your hair while riding:

  • Condition Regularly: Keeping your hair moisturised is key to avoiding frizz and breakage. Use a leave-in conditioner or hair oil before your ride to protect your strands.
  • Invest in a Helmet with Proper Ventilation: A well-ventilated helmet will help prevent excessive sweating, which can weaken your hair over time.
  • Choose the Right Helmet Fit: Helmets that are too tight can pull on your hair, while a helmet that’s too loose can cause your hair to rub against the helmet’s interior, leading to frizz or damage. Make sure your helmet fits just right to avoid these issues.
  • Wear a Protective Layer: A silk or satin scarf wrapped around your hair can act as a protective barrier between your helmet and hair, reducing friction and protecting your strands from damage. Alternatively, you can use a balaclava.
Read our Motorcycle Helmet Guide

Can You Wear a Helmet with Curly Hair?

Curly hair presents its own set of challenges when it comes to helmet use, but with the right preparation, you can keep your curls looking great:

  • Moisturise: Curly hair is naturally drier, so be sure to use a leave-in conditioner or hair oil before putting on your helmet to prevent frizz.
  • Protect Your Curls: A satin or silk scarf wrapped around your curls before putting on your helmet can help maintain their shape and prevent breakage.
  • Plop Your Hair: "Plopping" is a technique where you bundle your curls in a microfiber towel or scarf to protect them. This can work under a helmet to keep curls from getting squished or frizzy.

Wearing a helmet is essential for motorcycle safety, but it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your hair. With the right preparation, care routine, and helmet choice, you can keep your hair healthy and stylish, whether it’s long, curly, or prone to frizz. Remember, the key is to find a balance between safety and comfort. At Spada, we offer a range of helmets designed for maximum comfort without compromising your style. Check out our collection today and ride safe, with your hair intact!


side view of black with green design full face motorcycle helmet with drop down visor
front of black with green design full face motorcycle helmet with drop down visor
back of black with green design full face motorcycle helmet with drop down visor
biker wearing black with green design motorcycle helmet with multicoloured visor
biker wearing black and green motorcycle full face helmet with drop down visor
SP18 Dark Chameleon Full Face Motorcycle Helmet
biker wearing black motorcycle helmet with the clear visor flipped up
side view of black with green design full face motorcycle helmet with drop down visor
front of black with green design full face motorcycle helmet with drop down visor
back of black with green design full face motorcycle helmet with drop down visor
biker wearing black with green design motorcycle helmet with multicoloured visor
biker wearing black and green motorcycle full face helmet with drop down visor
SP18 Dark Chameleon Full Face Motorcycle Helmet
biker wearing black motorcycle helmet with the clear visor flipped up
side view of black and multicoloured open face motorcycle helmet with tinted visor
side view of black and multicoloured open face motorcycle helmet with tinted visor
side view of red flip up motorcycle helmet
front of red flip up motorcycle helmet with white spada logo
back of red flip up motorcycle helmet with spada logo
side view of red flip up motorcycle helmet
front of red flip up motorcycle helmet with white spada logo
back of red flip up motorcycle helmet with spada logo